Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello Everyone! It has been awhile since my last post, sorry about that. My sister Taryn has come to Southampton!  She arrived to a bitter cold London on the 2nd of February and leaves the 21st. I have shown her around Southampton, we have visited London, and are planning our Great British Road Trip (GBRT) for Thursday through this Sunday.
Taryn and I had last spent real time together last May. It had been more than 8 months since I had seen her face (not counting Skype) and I imagine like most sisters, after a day it felt like we had never been apart.  The difference I did notice is not that she had changed or our relationship had changed but that maybe I have become a bit more English than I have anticipated. Things that seem strange to her seem now, ridiculously normal to me. I catch myself muttering pounds whenever she wrongly asks how many “dollars” a coffee is or how much dinner costs. I know the right price to pay and the good places to go for leggings or a roast dinner. I don’t even attempt confusing people by saying American words when I know full well the English equivalent. Shockingly, sometimes I even forget which words Americans use a z instead of an s. I use s for everything now. Recognise, realise……

When I was in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, I found it strange when Harvey’s family would ask me if I was enjoying myself. They did it about once a day. After spending time with Taryn in England, I now understand why his family would question how much fun I was having. It might be a DeMers thing, but I don’t think we wear our emotions on our sleeves. When we were walking around Southampton, I was hoping Taryn would say “That is really cool” or “I am so excited” or “Wow, look at that old building!” It didn’t really happen. Not that I do not think she was enjoying herself, I am sure she was. I think her and I are the same in we might be squealing on the inside with excitement but on the outside we are cool, calm, and collected.
In Southampton, I showed Taryn around the marina walking around our apartment complex. I showed her the Bar gate in the center of town, the cruise ships, the mall, and my school. We relaxed the first night and let Taryn sleep through her jet lag.

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